Promotion of Sustainable Education and Employment among Differently- Abled (ProSeeds)
28 September 2018, Conference Hall, WHO SEARO, New Delhi
Trust Cradle and WHO have collaborated to create an inclusive and dignified employment approach for skilful and dynamic Persons with Disabilities. For them to work in an inclusive environment according to the needs of corporate.
There are around 2.21 % of Persons with Disabilities from total population in India. And the as per the RPWD Act 2016, India covers 21 employment categories of disability and 4% of job reservation. Persons with Disabilities in India face many challenges when looking to develop employable skills and in gaining meaningful employment in decent working conditions. Though, India has ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of People with Disability (UNCRPD) but still persons with disability continue to face many difficulties in the labour market.
The conclave will work to explore wide-ranging employment opportunities and bridging the gap between potential employers and productive employees.
The Objectives were:
- To inspire and sensitize the corporates about benefits and positive attributes of recruiting and outsourcing various projects for Differently-Abled.
- To provide a platform to the unidentified disabled portion of the community having relevant skills but lacks exposure.
- To create awareness about the abilities and expertise of Differently-Abled in diverse sectors of corporate/ industries.
The Action Plan:
- To gather core committee members of renowned 50 companies and understand their needs and requirements as per their specific work requirements and expectations.
- To identify different job profiles and locations of corporate houses.
- To collect industry/ company specific HR+CSR policies and requirements and supply the Differently-Abled resources fitting their desires and needs.
Expected Outcomes:
- Clarity among corporates and other stakeholders about the recruitment of disabled persons.
- Framework to create Self, Supportive and Open Employment.
- Challenges and solutions to enhance inclusive and sustainable employment, employability and skill development./li>
Promotion of Sustainable Education and Employment
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