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Maximizing access and reach to govt. schemes

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  • Deadline: 26 Mar 2021
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Connecting people with Govt Schemes

13 Feb 2021, Trust Cradle, H11-A, Middle Circle, Connaught Place, New Delhi-110001

Since independence, the government has initiated hundreds of schemes for welfare and development to improve the living conditions of poor and needy people. Unfortunately, due to ignorance and illiteracy among the beneficiaries, and due to complicated procedural requirements, it becomes hard for the beneficiaries to access and avail their benefits.

Trust Cradle, besides making these schemes available in easy format on its web-portal, is reaching out to the beneficiaries in person at their dwellings, and to educate them about the schemes and identify genuine beneficiaries and help them registration, documentation and enter into application process.

Objectives of Mission Marg

In order to improve living condition of people, the government has launched many developmental and welfare schemes for poor and marginalized people. We believe information is a fundamental right; every citizen must know his/her entitlements. The lack of awareness of welfare schemes can be solved through an efficient collaboration between the government and civil society organizations. At the state and national level, there needs to be a simple platform that provides easy, accurate and reliable information about the govt schemes, the eligibility criteria and the application processes. Trust Cradle has taken the initiative to collate the data on one platform to enable people in need to participate and avail the benefits of the policy and schemes.

In India, there are Common Service Centers, which provide information about central and state government schemes and services. Nevertheless, information available on the internet, but is difficult to be accessed by illiterate and marginalized people as the information available is often fragmented, limited to a small number of schemes and do not cover all schemes available. Resultantly, a large number of beneficiaries donot have idea of the governments’ schemes; getting their benefits to be a long distant dream!

In our endeavor to integrate people with government schemes, Trust Cradle has collected information on government people-centric developmental and welfare schemes, its eligibility criteria, list of documents required and the application process, and are made available on our web-portal in a systematic manner. People can easily access them and select the schemes as per their eligibilities.

In addition to the extensive research in developing the information and database, Trust Cradle’s volunteers also reaches out to people and facilitate them by getting the necessary documentation and registration done, submission of application and update on the progress of the concerned government agency. To ensure mass awarness and peoples participation, we also engage local NGOs and community members

How do we help:

To empower both rural and urban community, and to bridge the trust-deficit between the government and the community, Trust Cradle has undertaken the initiative of making all Government Welfare and Developmental Schemes easily accessible to everyone. We train and engage the grass-root NGOs and Volunteers to reach out the community and guide them about the Government Welfare Schemes so that they can further provide the information to the community. Our volunteers visit door-to-door to educate and aware people about the schemes and programmes, their eligibility criteria and the required documents. They also help government authorities identify genuine beneficiaries, submit applications and documents for better compliance and outcome.

In addition, we also help building trust and confidence between people and government agencies, and work for better peoples’ participation and understanding of government actions.

Who will be benefitted


The poor and marginalized communities, whether in rural or urban settings, are not aware of government schemes and their benefits, which are especially designed for them because of illiteracy and ignorance. Even those who know about schemes do not know how to access them and get befitted. Trust Cradle has taken the initiative to provide the information of the government schemes on one platform so that people-in- need get benefitted and improve their livelihood.


Trust Cradle helps the government to reach out to the community through its schemes. Our dedicated and simplified platform on government schemes is spreading awareness on central and state government schemes among the masses, helping improve peoples’ participation and understanding with government agencies and authorities. We also build the capacity of grass-root NGOs and volunteers whom the government officials may engage in implementation of the schemes. They should come forward and work with NGOs to improve the livelihood of the community and remove the hurdles faced by the poor due to lack of education and information.


NGOs plays a vital role to bridge the gap between the community and the government. NGOs that are respected by both the government and the business sector can help mediate conflicts or find solutions to common concerns. Trust Cradle engages and trains NGOs as Change Partners and sensitize, aware and educate them about the welfare schemes and guide them in arranging the required documents. NGO Partners in turn help community members and government agencies to come closer, mobilize volunteers and other resources to achieve the desired goals.

Advocacy & Research Agencies

Intensive community interactions generate genuine grass-root understanding and demographic data on human conditions and constraints. This initiative of Trust Cradle also involves people interactions on large scale and generates comprehensive database on government welfare schemes. We also help other NGOs to perform a social surveys, and provide them efficient tools, techniques and technical support for the same. These grass-root datasets are extremely helpful for the government agencies, UN Agencies or philanthropic organizations for policy formulations and amendments.



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