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Common Service Centre Scheme:
Event and Training Session

Common Service Centre Scheme: Event and Training Session

Stepping one step ahead towards the aim of encouraging employment among youth with disabilities and establishing 100 Common Service Centres in “70 Blocks” of Delhi., Trust Cradle has successfully conducted the TEC Training and Examinations.

The Initiative of Trust Cradle in collaboration with WHO, United Nations and United Nation Information Centre for providing Training to Persons with Disabilities about the CSC Scheme has successfully helped Persons with Disabilities in getting the TEC Certificates further helping them in establishing their Centres.

Topic Training and Assessment for CSC Certification
Dated 24th February 2021
Venue Head Office, Connaught Place, New Delhi.

Objectives of the Event

  • To provide technical training of Telecentre Entrepreneur Course (TEC).
  • To help Persons with Disabilities take the assessment.
  • Provide guidance in completion of examination.
  • Providing TEC completion Certificate.
  • Generation of CSC Ids.

The proceedings:

  • Candidates who have registered for TEC Examination were called to complete their training and assessment by taking online examination.
  • Training material was available on TEC website and Trust Cradle’s Team has extended its guidance for making it easier for Persons with Disabilities to understand each module.
  • TEC completion certificates were provided after the completion of the examination.
  • Briefed on starting and establishing the Centre and indicating about the field assessment for CSC Team and Trust Cradle Team.

Proposed points for the upcoming Session tentatively planned for early March 2021:

  • Inclusion of Leprosy Candidates for CSC Scheme.
  • Field audit to be conducted by CSC Team and Trust Cradle’s Team of these Centres, to check if any further development is required.
  • Trust Cradle is in talks with Minister of Social Justice and Empowerment to be a part of the upcoming event and further encourage the youth with disabilities to participate more in opening up and in running their own Common Service Centres as successful entrepreneurs.