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DisAbility Fest 2017

DisAbility Fest 2017

03 Dec 2017, India Gate Lawns, New Delhi

A congruence of Assistive Care and Technology to Mitigate Disability. Trust Cradle, WHO, United Nations and PHD Chambers had jointly organized a 2-day awareness programme to promote, understand and dignify disability issues.

The objectives were to promote:

  • UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
  • To mobilize support of rights, wellbeing and dignity of Persons with Disabilities.
  • Launch Nationwide Campaign to create employment opportunities for youth with disabilities.
  • Create awareness for self & wage employment through skill development and training programmes.
  • Promote physical accessibilities in Public and Private buildings and transport.
  • To provide platform to NGOs, PSUs, Schools and Corporates to showcase their activities and networking.

The Fest was compromised of various activities:

  • Ability Fair: : For NGOs and Corporates to promote and display their products & services and interact with UN functionaries, various other corporates etc.

  • Job Placement and Counselling: Created a rare opportunity for job and counselling among the youth with disabilities.

  • Sports Activities: Showcased the indomitable spirit and motivation of differently abled children and youth.

  • Cultural Activities: Participation of Persons with Disabilities by performing dance on wheelchair and crutches.

  • Competition: Participation of children with disabilities from various schools to express their talents through painting, sports and poetry.


Ability Fest

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