Following the same spirit for our endeavours to improve access to Assistive Products and Technology. Trust Cradle in collaboration with WHO SEARO and UN Information Centre for India and Bhutan, had organized a Plan Meeting at UN Conference Room, New Delhi.
The objectives were to plan a strategy to convert GATE Initiative into reality and making Assistive Products available to everyone everywhere. Thus, a core group was formed to deliberate the additional tools, which WHO had to develop, and to assist Member States to develop their National Assistive Technology Policies and Programmes as integral component of Universal Health Coverage.
Primary agenda was to discuss and deliberate:
Mass Awareness: Assistive Products for Healthy, Productive, Independent & Dignified life
Policy: Assistive Technology Policy Framework
Production: Standardization and Technical Innovations
Provision:Assistive Products service Delivery Model
Personnel: Assistive Products Training Package
Finance and Insurance: